Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gay Marriage

Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. (The Family : A Proclamation to the World. The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1995)
I was asked today about my position on Gay marriage. I responded that the Bible teaches that
God has rules about families and Homosexuality is against His law. So I am now on a quest to become more articulate on my views about this subject since it is likely that I will be asked about my position again.
There ought to be a Litmus test for any legislation and that is, Is it (the legislation) good for the family? Is it in a family's best interest to have only one gender of parents lead and guide the next generation? I would have to answer no.
The Department of Health and Human services says this on thier website http://fatherhood.hhs.gov/. "Involved fathers provide practical support in raising children and serve as models for their development. Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior compared to children who have uninvolved fathers. Committed and responsible fathering during infancy and early childhood contributes emotional security, curiosity, and math and verbal skills."
It is interesting to note here that this entire website is dedicated to encourage men to be responsible fathers. So if fathers are models for thier childrens development than what happens to a child who has two mothers and no father? In our family our father is essential. I don't need a government website to tell me that. My children's pleas of, "When is dad coming home? Where is Dad? Can he come with me on my fieldtrip? " are enough evidence for me as to how important fatherhood is. So then how important is a mother?
I will discuss that next time I post. Right now I have to go to bed. :)